Big Issues Keynote Session 6: The Environmental Narrative for Sports Grounds

Active Cities, Communities & People
Thursday, June 27, 2024
11:05 AM - 12:05 PM


Balancing the narrative between growing participation and enhancing the environment for our next generations. Embracing technology to solve real problems – reality or myth


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April Seymore
Executive Officer
Port Phillip EcoCentre

The concerns of local communities and why so passionate for local government to protect the community assets for the next generation of users

11:10 AM - 11:25 AM


April Seymore is the Executive Officer of the Port Phillip EcoCentre, where a team of scientists and educators connect people across sectors to care for land, waterways, wildlife and community wellbeing. April has worked in technology, education and the environment for two decades across four continents. Long ago, her first pay cheques were earned as a soccer referee.
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Ian Tittershill
Senior Vice President International
Tarkett Sports (Canada)

The importance of sports surface technology in allowing us to meet current and future demands of participation will be defined by the innovation of the technology over the next decade.

11:25 AM - 11:40 AM


Ian began his career in the sports construction industry in 1989 with a background in civil engineering. Ian worked with the Casey Group. Projects were undertaken throughout the UK constructing synthetic track and field facilities, including the 1991 World student games facilities. In 2003 he started his own sports engineering business and became a reliable and favored contractor for some of the leading sports construction businesses, including Tarkett. In 2011 Ian was asked to join Tarkett. He became Vice-President of Tarkett Sports, located in Montreal, Canada. In 2019 he became Senior Vice President. Ian has responsibility for International sales and operations of Tarkett Sports products and businesses and is also the Managing Director of Tarkett BV, the Hybrid business within Tarkett Sports.
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Steven Head
General Manager
Hornsby Shire Council

The challenge that local government faces daily and the critical questions they need to plan for on the balance of natural, synthetic and hybrid, and the challenges of local community environmental groups

11:40 AM - 11:55 AM


Steven has a proven track record in delivering business and infrastructure improvements in highly visible, complex environments. A former Senior Executive at NSW Roads and Maritime Services, Steven oversaw the structural re-organisations needed to develop the long-term team capability of the Sydney road network. Steven is currently the General Manager of Hornsby Shire Council. The Council serves a diverse population in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney who highly value recreation and sporting opportunities. Steven's career vision has been always to meet the expectations of his customers. He has been involved in the development, delivery and management of a wide range of sporting infrastructure, delivering the first truly publicly available synthetic playing surface in Sydney, coordinating multiple delivery partners in a unique funding and business model. Steven is a passionate supporter of the role of local government in improving local communities through innovative recreation opportunities. Hornsby Shire Council recently adopted a Play Plan to holistically consider all aspects of play across the Shire, including a vision, guiding principles and detailed action plan for seven new play spaces, five special use and eight upgraded play spaces. The Council is partnering with Northern District Cricket Club to deliver a $9 million upgrade to facilities for the Hornsby Shire community, including an upgraded sports surface and an award winning state-of-the-art indoor cricket facility and a new pavilion at Mark Taylor Oval in the suburb of Waitara. Steven is firmly of the view that all levels of government bear responsibility to encourage community health and wellbeing, extending beyond the delivery of recreational infrastructure, and should holistically manage the cultural and social space to ensure all levels of society can play, recreate and enjoy the maximum opportunities for fulfilling lives.


Martin Sheppard
Managing Director
Smart Connection Consultancy
