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Welcome to the Traumatic Brain Injury Conference, NZ Call for Papers Portal

Paper abstracts/synopses/submissions are invited for the Traumatic Brain Injury Conference NZ, to be held in Christchurch NZ in March 2025.

Scheduled over two days to provide extensive clinical knowledge, the conference will explore life real stories and provide a significant number of continuing education topics. The conference will run on Wednesday 12th March and Thursday 13th March 2025.

The conference theme is: Keeping it Real: Real Injury, Real People, Real Lives

Real Injury: an opportunity for presentations about new exciting research and studies, injury related topics

Real People: an opportunity for people to present the lived experience stories as well as family members/support people, e.g. parenting and caring after brain injury, compassion fatigue for carers and navigating family /whanau relationships. Vocational development and employment.

Real Lives: an opportunity for speakers to talk about services, new resources, treatment considerations after Brain Injury, wellness Initiatives following Brain Injury, the role of nutrition post brain injury, applied technologies in rehabilitation and recovery, housing solutions, carer supports, advocacy that enable people to lead good lives. 

The conference is aimed at medical professionals, nursing and allied health professionals, students, education providers, Corrections, Police, housing, drug and alcohol service providers, mental health services, NGO providers, government agencies, sports codes, technology providers/developers, carer agencies, researchers, those with lived experience and their families, support networks, advocacy groups.

Concurrent educational sessions (i.e., workshops) will feature as part of the programme and approximately 75 individuals attend each session; session audiences include a mixed representation of attendees. We anticipate conference attendance to be in the range of 250 delegates.

Presentation Proposal Submission Guidelines

  Individual, group, or panel presentations may be submitted. Group or panel presentations that include professionals and persons with brain injury are encouraged.

2.  Individuals or groups may submit more than one proposal, but a separate proposal must be completed for each presentation.

Submission of a proposal does not guarantee that your presentation will be selected.

  If you wish to submit a paper for consideration for the conference programme, you must also intend to register for the conference.

  The Conference Committee reserves the right to make final presentation selections, to combine proposed topics and presenters, and to edit the abstracts.

  Presenters must be careful to use disability-sensitive language throughout their submission (e.g., using “person first” terminology, avoiding stereotypes).

 Why Submit?
The writing and presentation of papers is an important part of every person's professional development and training. It provides an opportunity to share your experience and innovative work among enthusiastic and knowledgeable peers.

Presentation Selection Guidelines
Topics should reflect the conference theme of Keeping it Real: Real Injury, Real People, Real Lives and relate to at least one of the suggested topics listed below:

Priority Topics:

Tamarirki and Rangatahi Issues (Paediatric and Adolescent Issues) 

       Recovery and developmental milestones after paediatric brain injury
       Rehabilitation considerations for rangatahi (adolescents) after brain injury
       Parenting after brain injury
       Schooling challenges and supports across the educational system
       Navigating family/whanau relationships within a cultural context
       Re-building social connections for rangatahi (adolescents) with brain injury

Whare Hauora Wellness Topics 

       Mirimiri and Romiromi
       Pilates, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, tai chi
       The role of nutrition after brain injury
       Rongoa Māori post brain injury
       Music, art, and other related therapies

Brain Injury
       Emotional regulation
       Spinal Injury and TBI
       BI and complex behaviours
       TBI and mental health
       Functional Neurological Disorder
       Depression, anxiety, suicidality, anger
       Treatment options – psychotherapy, medication management, and compensatory strategies in cognitive rehabilitation


Carers Needs
       Issues and strategies for carers
       Compassion fatigue for carers

Social Needs Topics
       Substance misuse and brain injury
       Family violence and brain injury
       Prison / judicial system and brain injury
       Housing issues

Creation of Meaningful Community Engagement, Activity and Employment

       Pre-vocational and vocational rehabilitation
       Relationships and intimacy following brain injury
       Maintaining established relationships
       Creating new relationships with intimate partners
       Sexuality and safe boundaries
       Developing a support community 

Financial Issues Post Brain Injury
       Guardianship/POA/PPR issues
       Risks related to the internet and social media, financial scamming and impulsivity or mood concerns.

To start your submission simply set up a new account by clicking the "Create New Account" button at the bottom right hand side of this page. Enter in your email address, choose a password and submit by clicking "Create New Account" button at the bottom of the page.

Be sure to save your login details in case you want to update or amend your submisson at any time.

Please note that all questions marked with an asterisk - * - require an answer.

Any presentation proposals that exceed the word limit may not be accepted.

Any sales presentations or pure product promotions will not be accepted.

The closing date for submissions is 5pm on Friday 20th September 2024.

If you have any questions or need assistance submitting your presentation proposal, please feel free to contact the Conference's producer, Interpoint Events, by phone - 1300 789 845 - or email - info@interpoint.com.au

We look forward to seeing you in Christchurch in March 2025.

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